Goal I: Increase public awareness of the importance of Lahontan Valley Wetlands.
Goal II: Provide wildlife/wetland educational and recreational opportunities and ideas for the general public.
Goal III: Provide an arena for interested agencies/individuals to impart information about crucial wetland habitat/wildlife concerns.
Goal IV: Assist the community of Fallon in maximizing its potential in wildlife-oriented tourism facilitated by the presence of the Lahontan Valley wetlands.
-Formalize group - identify partners, roles and responsibilities
-Plan annual Spring Wings Bird Festival with partners and stakeholders
-Utilize media to reach a broad audience in NV, northern CA
-Recruit and train event volunteers
-Identify, reach out to potential partners, sponsors, donors for event support
-Insure the festival is the best it can be for its type, location, audience
-Insure and emphasize this event is designed for Education and Entertainment