Spring Wings Planning Group
Mission Statement/Goals
Mission Statement: To develop and promote a community activity that can be enjoyed by residents and visitors to Lahontan Valley for the purpose of education and strengthening awareness of the importance of these unique wetlands to the Pacific Flyway and the entire Western Hemisphere.

Goal I: Increase public awareness of the importance of Lahontan Valley Wetlands.
Goal II: Provide wildlife/wetland educational and recreational opportunities and ideas for the general public.
Goal III: Provide an arena for interested agencies/individuals to impart information about crucial wetland habitat/wildlife concerns.
Goal IV: Assist the community of Fallon in maximizing its potential in wildlife-oriented tourism facilitated by the presence of the Lahontan Valley wetlands.
-Formalize group - identify partners, roles and responsibilities
-Plan annual Spring Wings Bird Festival with partners and stakeholders
-Utilize media to reach a broad audience in NV, northern CA
-Recruit and train event volunteers
-Identify, reach out to potential partners, sponsors, donors for event support
-Insure the festival is the best it can be for its type, location, audience
-Insure and emphasize this event is designed for Education and Entertainment