Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Spring 2017 - Water, water everywhere!

Greetings Fellow Outdoor Enthusiasts!

Welcome to Stillwater Spring in 2017!

Already, birds and bird behavior are near normal than in the past few years for the Lahontan Valley wetlands, and this is great news!

Mother Nature graciously provided much-needed Sierra snow and valley rains this winter, nearly equaling an entire year of rainfall just in January! As of February 1, 2017 we are at 200% + of the water content in the Sierra snowpack, with more wet spring storms predicted.

What this means for Lahontan Valley Wetlands is early water deliveries now, due to heavy runoff from the Carson River into Lahontan Reservoir.  Normal water delivery season is April through September, so it's already an improvement!

We expect more quality habitat for migratory birds and resident wildlife, along with increased and improved viewing opportunities for the public throughout the valley.

This year, we hope to continue the great accomplishments of 2016 by creating more milkweed habitat and pollinator waystations for our elegant winged visitors, the Monarch butterflies. Little is known about these amazing long-distance migrants as they move through Nevada.  Our goal is to provide monarch monitoring stations at selected sites planted with native milkweed and nectar plants. We are planning community workshops this Spring and Summer, with free native plants handed out to participants.

As always, we welcome volunteers to assist with any part of this project, so stay tuned as we post a list of needs, dates and sites where you can be involved in helping save these beautiful yet disappearing butterflies!

Fallon Convention Center needs helping hands (with gloves and garden tools) at the native plant garden on the north side of the building.


  • identifying and pulling invasive weeds - 2hrs every 2 weeks Mar - Oct 
  • ensuring drip lines and emitters function properly - 2hrs monthly Apr - Oct
  • monitor native plant growth, bloom- 1hr weekly Apr - July
  • record, monitor pollinator insects observed on the plants (and other animals too!) - random surveys during above tasks

We are also working with area resource conservation partners to host the 19th annual Spring Wings Festival on May 19 - 20. Keep checking the main page for more details.

Thank you for your support in our efforts!

February 2017